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Bikini Seisai Kuubo no Susume- Kantai collection hentai Slut

Hentai: Seisai Kuubo no Susume

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we passed a group of old men sittng outside the grocery store and roger had to let me know he had screwed all their wives and a few of their daughters too he laughed tik his smokers cough cut the laugh off there was a used car lot called tinys and a gas station called earls we stopped at a greasy spoon diner called Mommas andRoger offered to buy me breakfast i quickly agreed

we stepped inside and the place was packed there were about 7 or 8 girls waitng tables allof em in denim shorts and aprons all of em had on tee shirts all of which were pail yellow and siad im not momma but i work for her my name is and then each girl ahd her name tage at that spot cute i thought

roger waded through the dining area to the only empty table in the joint welcome to my office he said as we sat downa cutie with Becky on her name tag walked over and siad heres your mail roger you want the usual yes miss becky he sid as he never even looked at her too busy sorting his mail to check out her cute ass and what would you like handsome ? becky asked me Roger told me ot order whatever i wanted what i wanted wasnt on the menubut i chose steak and eggs with hashbrowns and coffee

down boy roger said

huh i replied

dont huh me i saw how you checked her out

so ?

a little friendly advice mr andy becky is screwing the sherriff and he might not like you trying to move in


becky returned with our food rogers usual turned out to be toast and coffee

roger fished a griefcase out from a nearby shelf and filed away his mail then put the briefcase back

we ate chatting about not much of anything afer we finished roger looked at me

so waht are your plans mr andy ?

dont have any

he looked at me as if i was a fool and i guess i was

dont you think you should have a plan ?

i shrugged like some snotty nosed high school senior being chewed out by his no nonsense dad

son you need some guidance

lucky for you im just the man to impart some wisdom to you

i stared at my coffe wishing he would run out of air soon

first off you need a stake he reached into his jacket inside pocket and pulled out an old checkbook held together by rubber bands and taking off the bands counted out 250 dollars

there he said

thanks i said

thanks my ass you'll pay it back with interest in exactly 2 weeks understand

this kindly old mans eyes went stone cold as he stared at me

i nodded trying to figure out how i was going ot accomplish this feat of magic

ok he said first off down the street that mtel we passed on the way here the travel inn ?

yeah i remember

ok go there see roy and get you a room by the week he charges 80 bucks and the rooms are nice and include fridge and microwave

elvis would be so jealous if he were alive to see my graceland i said

shutup asshole im doing you a favor

ok ok it was just a joke

when you look and act more like a man then you can joke

alright already

after you get your room the goodwill is just a short distance up the bypass just past the winn/dixie

go there get you 3 or 4 changes of clothes then burn the ones you have on cause they smell like you shit in them

i took a deep breath but knew the old man was right

then on your way back to the motel youll pass a barber shop at a little strip mall get yourself a god haircut also there is a dollar store in that same center get yourself some socks and underwear

i felt like being asmart ass again but didnt

then get a steaming hot bath and meet me back here

i nodded

you do understand mr andy ?

yes i do mr roger

i did all that my new mentor had requested and walked back to rogers “office”

he was concluding a call and motioned for me to sit down the crowd had thinned and there were only 2 girls working now neither of them Becky

a sweet little redhead with josie on her name tag asked me if i wanted anything i said just coffee sure thing sugar she said i watched her ass walk away and heard roger clear his throat to let me know he wanted my attention

well you do look some better


you shouldnt be such a wise ass all the time mr andy

im serious i appreciate all youve done

he nodded at my apology

ok good now you can start work becky sat my coffe down and hustled off i made a point of not checking out her cute ass this time

does that mean youre my boss ?

you got that right

ok boss man whats my job ?

first thing i need you to do is take my car up the road to tinys auto sales see lisa and tell her roger wants the works oil change tune up lube wax wash detail inside and out


then i need you to go to the winn/dixie and get a monet order for 500 dollars stick itin this envelope and drop iton the mail box there

got it ok

then go to the liquor stoer a bit further up and tell them youre there for rogers package bring it back here and we;ll go from there


you mid being my errand boy andy ?

best job i ever had i said just a little sarcastically

he grinned

we'll see about that

well get going he said

your wish is my command

ill let you bye with it this time at least you look like a man

i bit my tongue and headed out

i pulled up to the small building that was th office for tinys auto sales and went in side it wasnt hard to find lisa she was the only one there

“Hello ma'am” i said

well hello yourself lisa replied

she was in her early 20's shoulder lenght sandy hair with soulful brown eyes a little chubby with a nice rack

and just how can i help you today handsome?

i held up the keys and said Roger wants , , cant lie about it i was feeling pretty sorry for myself,

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